Consumer rights vary around the globe. In Germany the bags you bring into a shop are protected by your privacy rights. Shop clerks are allowed to ask you, but if you say no they have no right to inspect the bags against your will. Continue reading Shopping in Germany: You don’t have to let clerks inspect your bags
Author: Thomas
How I became a Slade fan
I remember seeing Slade on German television (Musikladen) performing their song “Rock and Roll Preacher”. I think I liked it, but forgot it.
A few months later I saw a re-run of the show. This time I remembered the name of the band. The next time I was at my favourite record store, I bought a Slade album. Since I didn’t know anything about the band, I just picked any album.
This album happened to be “Slade in Flame”. At home, I played this record – and was really disappointed. The first song “How does it feel” started soft and slow with someone playing the piano. That was not the hard rock I had in mind when I bought the record.
The second song “Them Kinda Monkeys Can’t Swing” was closer to the hard rock I had on my mind.
I don’t remember when I fell in love with this album. But when I play this album now, I get goose bumps and a chill runs down my spine.
It is a great album. Expect something unusual. Play it at least ten times before you decide whether you like it. And play it loud.
If you want to hear more of Slade: I love their first live album “Slade Alive” with songs like “Darling Be Home Soon” and “Hear Me Calling”.
Another wonderful song is “Ready to Explode”. It appeared on the “Keep Your Hands Off My Power Supply” album which was re-released as “The Amazing Kamikaze Syndrome”.
Small Improvements of Märklin TRAXX Models
Märklin’s TRAXX models belong to the Startup range, successor of the former Hobby line.
They are rather simple models. But a few improvements can simply be made.
Continue reading Small Improvements of Märklin TRAXX Models
Packaging: Damages caused by felt pads
Several MRR manufacturers use felt pads to pack locomotives safely. Those felt pads are meant to prevent damages – but this works only when they are at the right places.
At the wrong places, felt pads can even cause damages. Continue reading Packaging: Damages caused by felt pads
Close Couplers for H0 Models
There are many different couplers for use with H0 gauge models – provided they have NEM 362 coupler pockets. I introduce five couplers that are frequently used in the three-rail world. Continue reading Close Couplers for H0 Models
Electricity 101 (Part 4): Blue Transformers and Modern Decoders
Sooner or later you will hear that blue transformers can be dangerous to modern decoders. It’s not the colour that makes them dangerous. Continue reading Electricity 101 (Part 4): Blue Transformers and Modern Decoders
Electricity 101 (Part 3): AC and Rectifiers
Rectifiers can increase the effective voltage of AC. Or decrease it. No magic involved. Continue reading Electricity 101 (Part 3): AC and Rectifiers
Electricity 101 (Part 2): What Does Nominal Voltage Mean?
Most of the time the voltage coming out of your transformer will be different from the voltage given on the type plate. Continue reading Electricity 101 (Part 2): What Does Nominal Voltage Mean?
Electricity 101 (Part 1): What does “16 V AC” Mean? What is Effective Voltage?
What does “16 V AC” mean?
A light bulb should give the same brightness with 16 V AC as it does with 16 V DC. That’s by definition. “16 V AC” means “AC as efficient as 16 V DC”. Continue reading Electricity 101 (Part 1): What does “16 V AC” Mean? What is Effective Voltage?
MM Protocol (e.g. CU 6021): Using 9 or 16 Functions with mfx Locos
The MM protocol is limited to five functions per address. But mfx decoders that also support the MM protocol are not limited to one MM address only, allowing you to control 9, 13, 16, or even 17 functions. Continue reading MM Protocol (e.g. CU 6021): Using 9 or 16 Functions with mfx Locos